
Trump Refuses to Condemn White Supremacism, Calls on Violent Racist Group to "Stand By"

Dr Lizardo9/30/2020 5:49:20 am PDT

Meanwhile, in the ongoing shitshow known as Brexit…..

Trade will be a “day-to day struggle” after Brexit is completed, MPs have been told, in a bleak forecast from the key aerospace, chemicals and pharmaceuticals industries.

The inquiry heard of massive extra costs, a mountain of red tape, shrinking investment and chemicals “disappearing” from the UK market, from January.

Some medicines may not reach Northern Ireland - if, as feared, extra tests will be required - although it was “very important that patients don’t panic”, it was told.

‘Those facilities [for testing] don’t exist, so it’s not clear how it will happen,” warned Richard Torbett, chief executive of the Association of the British Pharmaceutical Industry.

Neil Hollis, of the chemical giant BASF, highlighted £1bn of new registration costs, a loss of innovation and some chemicals no longer being available, adding: “There’s no positive spin on this.”

Someday (and probably not too far off), historians will conclude that Brexit was the biggest self-inflicted fuckup of the modern era.