
Video: Obama on JihadTV

shiek al beif salami1/27/2009 11:42:50 am PST

The problem here is that too many of us see the glass as half empty/empty/dry. It’s all about choosing perspective. How many of us, when we think of Hitler, think “great highways,” or “great little cars except for the worthless heaters?” But usually, all we want to see when we think of Hitler is all the bad things he did, like setting the world on fire, killing millions of people and trying to destroy entire races. Wouldn’t we all feel better if we tried be more optimistic? To be more generous? To look for the good?

In the same way, we are in the habit of seeing mohammedans as blood thirsty, expansionist haters who love death, anticipate orgies in paradise, and treat women like goats. This is all because of our habit of habit of looking at the glass as half empty.

So let us endeavor, in this era of hope and change, to look at our mohammedan brothers through new eyes. Think of all the good mohammedanism has brought to the world. For instance, … … uh, there was the uh…, er… .

/clock in the hall ticking. Crickets chirping.