
Turkish PM Gets Hero's Welcome in Istanbul for Jew-Hatred

capitalist piglet1/30/2009 11:28:42 am PST

re: #265 jcm

It’s just a latte a day! (Seattle speak for a tax increase)

The economy is going into the tank. Boeing, Microsoft and Starbucks are laying off.

What does local government do?

King County property taxes to rise 6.16 percent overall

Mines going up 11.4%. But hey, it’s just a latte a day! So is the gas tax, so is the transit tax, so is the…. and how many latte’s is BHO little spending spree?

How long before no one can afford to be an American anymore?

That’s it. I’m moving.

And don’t forget the tolls they want to put on the roads, and the murmurs about a new state income tax.