
Teabonics Sign of the Day

drcordell4/09/2010 1:35:56 pm PDT

re: #254 Aceofwhat?

Thank you for expounding on the qualities i find the least attractive in a liberal. The combination of conspiracy theory (oooh…scary rich mind control), misunderstanding of economic strata (lots of rich people are democrats, shockingly) and absolute disdain for those of lower income results in a prejudicial outlook founded on speculation and emotion.

Fortunately, most who lean left here at LGF are not of the same ilk.

And thank you for further displaying the qualities I find the least attractive in a conservative. Namely, the fact that you can turn any conversation about ANYTHING into a diatribe about “liberal elitism.” Notice that throughout this entire thread, you haven’t actually said anything at all. You just launch ad-hominem attacks against anybody you perceive to be an “elitist.”

Yes, I understand that there are rich Democrats. No, I don’t have disdain for poor people. Can you not see that both of these facts have absolutely nothing to do with the point that I made? The GOP explicitly runs on a platform of policies that will be most beneficial to the rich. How else would you describe a party whose platform is based entirely on eliminating social services and social security?

And like I said previously, you can’t operate a political party whose base is comprised solely of the economic elite. It just doesn’t work that way. So obviously the GOP needs something else to lure in voters who won’t benefit from their economic policies. They do so with a combination of mis-information and social wedge issues (Guns, Gays, God). None of this is a conspiracy theory, it’s blatantly obvious on its face. Care to refute any of these facts?