
Jim Carrey Responds to Fox News: "A Media Colostomy Bag"

stabby3/29/2013 11:00:48 pm PDT

This is a fascinating study, mostly for the unanimous response than for the article.

The article, on PJMedia’s well hidden “lifestyle” page slams Ayn Rand and her influence on the Republican party. It doesn’t mention, by the way, her disrespect for religion, nor her support for gay rights etc, but rather takes on the more universal problem (that liberals would also see) that she is for greed, against helping the poor, and against seeing society as having any collective needs. It also attacks the possibly even more important problem of nonsensical libertarian economics that lead to an unregulated financial market and two melt downs.

The funny thing is that 100% of the commenters are are bitterly opposed to this characterization and deny every fact. They even deny that lack of regulation caused the financial crises, and say that it was the opposite - wall street is too constrained!

Crazy crazy shit, and this includes an audience that is, on average, religious fanatics. Apparently greed is a God above God for the PJ crowd. And denial of the facts of economics (and morality) is a dogma above Church dogma.

Is that true for the average Republican now?