
Obama Plays a Race Card from the Bottom of the Deck

zombie7/23/2009 10:17:19 am PDT

How many arrests are made in the Unted States every single day? A million?

How many mistaken arrests are made in the United States every single day? Thousands upon thousands?

Are some of those racially based? Most likely. Every cop — every American, actually — does a bit of subconscious “racial profiling” when assessing who and who is not up to some kind of shenanigans. Actually, it’s not so much “racial profiling,” as “appearance profiling,” meaning that someone who looks like a gangbanging thug is presumed to be a criminal, whatever their actual skin tone or apparent “race.” And anyone who does something suspicious — such as breaking into a home — is pre-judged to be a criminal as well. Which is not remarkable.

So why, of all the arrests and mistaken arrests in the United States every single day, did Obama choose to weigh in on this one? Could it be that the arresstee just happened to be a fellow race-baiting academic who instantly whipped up the grievance theater machinery? Naaah — couldn’t be.