
Video: The People Behind Doug Hoffman's Candidacy

iceweasel10/28/2009 9:23:25 pm PDT

re: #272 Conservative Moonbat

And not even a good ratfucking. I heard about the blog but hadn’t read the actual content. That’s just laughable. Do they really think Democrats think and talk like that? Are we characters out of a bad movie?

Apparently so. Bad Bond villians, I guess. Look at this:

Scozzafava Successfully Infiltrates the Republican Apparatus:
The Left Finally Cracks Into the National GOP Establishment and Dede Scozzafava is Already Turning All the Right-Wing Animals Loose on Themselves!!!

But here is the real question: Why is Hoffman’s site promoting that as if it were real???

Here’s something less amusing — but more revealing — about Doug Hoffman’s website: It contains an Internet era update of a dirty trick Nixon’s men used to call “rat fucking.”

Dems love Dede
According to the Draft Dede as a Democrat blog, “we will have her on all of our key issues from card check, to health care, to taxes, social issues and who knows what else.”

And then it has the web address of a blog called PlanetAlbany, linking to a blog called Draft Dede as a Democrat. Pretty damning stuff, right? Dede Scozzafava - Hoffman’s Republican opponent - is actually a Democrat! And the proof is right there in this blog that links to this other blog, by some Democrats so proud of Dede Scozzafava that they prefer to remain completely anonymous.