
Video: Mike Huckabee Speaks to Radical Anti-Abortion 'Personhood' Group

Birth Control Works9/20/2011 10:58:59 pm PDT

re: #278 sagehen

reduced revenue since turn of the century due to:
1. Bush tax cuts, which were also extended by Obama.
2. Economic collapse

increased spending since turn of the century due to:
1. several wars
2. Medicare Part D
3. extended unemployment, bailouts to States (who depend heavily on real estate taxes for their revenue — lots of people’s homes got reassessed and tax reductions when the housing bubble burst, plus foreclosures so there’s no one to collect from), and just increased need for things like Medicare and Food Stamps since so many people don’t have the income they used to.

If you’ll recall, Clinton left us with a slight surplus — there was no deficit when Bush took office.

I remember the surplus —but I thought was explained by military cuts, which were then needed after 9/11.

So, if the economy had sustained itself, things would be better as collections are a percentage of what corporations and individuals actually earn.

They misjudged that amount and didn’t collect enough?

Which I don’t understand because I paid …

Other people didn’t and Corporations fiddle with their numbers so much that they pay too little?