
Rate of Mass Shootings Has Tripled Since 2011, Harvard Research Shows

Timothy Watson10/15/2014 11:09:52 am PDT

Long article, both worth the read:

I was watching all this unfold in astonishment and horror, but at first I took the accusations that journalist Nathan Grayson of Kotaku had a personal relationship with Quinn while reviewing her game very seriously. After looking into it, I found that the accusation simply wasn’t true and there was no proof that Grayson had ever penned a review for Kotaku or his former employer, Rock, Paper, Shotgun.

But people who loath Zoe Quinn for being outspoken on social media, for daring to make a game that detractors claimed “wasn’t a game at all,” or for whatever reason people hate other people, didn’t care that no proof actually existed. They ran with that narrative and continue to run with it to this day.