
Far Right PAC Releases Deceptive Video to Make It Seem Like Bill Clinton Was Bashing Obama

Targetpractice3/22/2016 1:18:58 am PDT

re: #23 Wendell Zurkowitz (slave to the waffle light)

I should have made it clear: do not assume from my statement that I support Bernie. He is a great fellow and I support a lot of what he stands for. But I do not find him to be the best choice of candidate.

It’s no offense meant to yourself, but I’ve developed a bit of a hair trigger in recent weeks to fence-sitters who are trying to find reasons to cover for Bernie and his rabid fan club. All the good will I had towards the man died a slow death, with the final stake through the heart his admission last week that he’s just running the DNC primaries for the media coverage.