
Mitch McConnell Doesn't Seem Too Worried About Our Super Dangerous National Emergency [VIDEO]

BlueGrl212/15/2019 2:03:18 pm PST

Two weeks ago had to write up a detailed document, 6 pages of data, on a guy who was falsifying data. No one could unravel it all except me. I got it all laid out, HR is doing their paperwork. Guy doesn’t know yet. He’s a gun nut and has been confrontational with other employees, including women. But nothing actionable. Also a MAGAt

He called me on Monday to tell me he’s in love with me. He is obsessed with me. I will be responsible for his firing and he will know it. He has guns. NO.

I told HR and my boss immediately. He has been banned from campus. My boss has insisted I not go to the parking garage without him. I hate guns, I will say it right now, but my boss is former military and an expert marksman and carries legally. I feel a whole lot safer.

I don’t want to hear it about a bullshit crisis on the border. The crisis is right…fucking…here. Men, women, and guns is a crisis.