
Stephen Colbert's Hilarious Take on Trump's Rambling, Totally Incoherent Syria Victory Speech [VIDEO]

Targetpractice10/24/2019 11:24:47 am PDT

What really gets me about asshats like Alex is that his “advice” is why my generation is getting screamed at for being the cause of the “downfall of America.” That we’re not rushing out to have those nuclear families with stay-at-home wives and 2 kids whose constant need for “new” everything is supposed to drive the economy. Doesn’t seem like a day goes by without my encountering some op-ed or blog post about how America’s “moral fiber” is in danger because “kids these days” are putting off marriage and families to pursue careers or “have fun.” Particularly when these same voices spent my formative years yelling at me that I needed to wait until I was “financially secure” before I even thought of bringing kids into the world, because otherwise I was dooming them and myself to immorality and poverty.

Beginning to get an idea of why my generation is so fucked up?