
The Return of the John Birch Society

Walter L. Newton6/28/2009 11:37:34 am PDT
For some, that name means nothing. … Yet for others, the John Birch Society is urgently relevant to the matters of today, in its support of secure borders and limited government, its distrust of the Federal Reserve and the United Nations, and its belief in a conspiracy to merge Mexico, Canada and the United States.

It is evident from the first paragraph of this article, that the John Birch Society has never gone away. This is not “Thanks to the promotional efforts of people like Glenn Beck and Ron Paul.”

That would be like saying Beck and Paul had something to do with saving the Society from a near-death experience.

They never went away.

Now, Beck and Paul may help introduce a new generation of prospective membership, but news of their death has been widely mis-reported.

A straw man.