
Fox Nation and Big Government Fail to Retract Bogus Story - Day Five

Buck1/03/2010 10:53:41 am PST

Andrew Breitbart’s tweet:

“WH Claims: Wrong Jeremiah Wright; Wrong Bill Ayres; Wrong Malik Shabazz; Now Wrong Bertha Lewis. Cmon?! What are mathematical odds?”

AND in the original article he wrote:

“Of course, it is possible that this isn’t ACORN’s Bertha Lewis. After a previous dump of visitor records listed the name, Jeremiah Wright, the White House said, ‘oh, that was a different Jeremiah Wright.’ The media, of course, said, ‘okay,’ and never followed up. So, maybe the Bertha Lewis listed here isn’t the CEO of ACORN. Just another Bertha Lewis who gets special weekend access to the White House Residence, complete with an extra-special staff tour. Sure, possible, but we’d love to see a bookie’s odds on that.”

Is there really a chance that there is a special “Bertha Lewis” that no one seems to know, and is not at all in the public eye (and deserves a private special tour of the WH, and access to the residence)?
