
Rep. Bachmann (R-Mars) to Give Tea Party SOTU Response

Stormageddon, Dark Lord of All1/25/2011 11:30:51 am PST

I’ve lost all Mirth towards anything to do with the Tea Party. Their socially theocratic stances are dangerous and the exact opposite of what the Constitution of the United States stands for. But they don’t care, They’re willing to throw the Constitution out to further their own aims and goals. They cloak themselves with lies by claiming that they’re just trying to follow the Constitution, when in reality they’re just trying to force the rest of America into following their vision of society and morality.

The Tea Party has always been a puppet of the theocratic groups, and the real danger is using code words like ‘smaller’ government to signal, not an interest in limited government, but an interest in returning the government to the ‘good old days’ before brown v board of education and loving v virginia and pre griswold v connecticut. And we won’t even talk about Gays in the military or gay marriage.

What frightens me most is that so many people ignore the nastier and darker parts of the Tea Party, and instead focus on one or two points that they can support, and either gloss over the incredible hatred and venom that exists in the other parts, or just push back and say, ‘well your party has sucky parts too, so you can’t complain about ours’. So they ignore the cancer that exists and continue to work, with (hopefully) good intentions, and end up spreading that cancer into our society, our government, and into the daily lives of everyone, even the people who wanted nothing to do with it.

Bachmann may elicit laughter from me, but to me, it’s gallows humor. 2010 was too successful. And I worry that America won’t wake up in time to combat the cancer of hate and division that is spreading from groups like The Tea Party.