
Andy McKee: Everybody Wants to Rule the World

Gus3/03/2011 4:42:30 pm PST

Huckabee Attacks Natalie Portman For Glamorizing “Out Of Wedlock Births”
March 03, 2011 5:41 pm ET by Eric Hananoki

In a radio appearance on Monday, Mike Huckabee attacked actress Natalie Portman for having a child “out of wedlock.” Huckabee said that it’s “troubling” to see people like “Natalie Portman or some other Hollywood starlet who boasts of, ‘Hey look, you know, we’re having children, we’re not married, but we’re having these children, and they’re doing just fine.’” Huckabee added that “it’s unfortunate that we glorify and glamorize the idea of out of children wedlock.”

Huckabee’s remarks came in response to radio host Michael Medved, who discussed Portman’s Academy Awards speech last Sunday. During her speech, Portman thanked fianc Benjamin Millepied, “who choreographed the film, and has now given me my most important role of my life.” Medved said that Millepied “didn’t give her the most wonderful gift, which would be a wedding ring! And it just seems to me that sending that kind of message is problematic.”

From the February 28 edition of Salem Radio’s The Michael Medved Show…