
Joad Cressbeckler's Brokeback Mining Camp

Love-Child of Cassandra and Sisyphus6/23/2011 2:59:07 pm PDT

Nice little article about the discovery of rogue planets, and also covers the explosion in numbers of exoplanets known:


The author also asks the question I have posed here at times:

You may wonder at this point why something so Earth shattering as the discovery of innumerable planets has not caused more excitement in the broad public. One reason, I would suggest, is that scientific discoveries take a while to register in the popular consciousness. In 1925, the astronomer Edwin Hubble first confirmed the existence of galaxies other than our own; four years later, he showed that they were moving apart from one another, supplying astonishing evidence of an expanding universe. Time magazine put him on its cover only in February 1948.

Another reason is I think, through television and film, that the public has been desensitized to the magnitude of these discoveries.