
Arizona Immigration Law Too Radical for Tancredo

(((Viking Sea Mexican)))4/26/2010 6:26:27 pm PDT

re: #136 Gus 802

I would argue that sanctuary cities need to go. Unless someone can prove to me otherwise. They conflict with Federal law.


re: #149 Fat Bastard Vegetarian

The Kidnapping Capitol (for ransom) of the US is Phoenix.

And Maricopa is the county with most unresolved crimes. So?

re: #156 Unakite

I agree, and the law was just signed. I’m not sure that the law challenges people just for “being someone” ( but I’m not a lawyer). I think it allows them (if I’m wrong please correct me) to check their status if they are stopped for some violation, not just for “looking funny.” For example, if they are stopped for a traffic violation and can’t produce a legal ID. I’m sorry, but I think that the accusation that people are being “challenged just for trying to be someone.

” is ridiculous.

The law allows police officers to ask for documentation to anyone they “reasonably” suspect is an illegal immigrant. Not as part of another violation. Just by looking.

And the law authorizes common citizens to sue the crap out of the Police Department if a police doesn’t “reasonably” suspect of someone being an illegal immigrant.