
Not This Again - Wingnut 'Expert' Zooms In, Sees Pixels, Uncovers Obama Photoshop Phraud

Birth Control Works5/24/2012 9:31:12 am PDT

re: #278 mattand

Buddy of mine is a half-baked truther: he believes we invaded Afghanistan in order to build an oil pipeline. When pressed on the whole airplane-WTC side of the equation, he goes strangely mute.

I know another guy who thinks UFO sightings are human time travelers from a distant century, yet is an engineer who extolls the virtue of solid evidence before building a project.

there was a link… about conspiracy believers —may are engineers —analytical people. Strange that.

UFO sightings can be humans from a distant century —no one get’s hurt by that belief (as long as we don’t try to legislate policy around it).