
Overnight Acoustic: Ryan Spendlove, "Not That Strong"

Birth Control Works10/26/2012 9:55:10 am PDT

re: #264 erik_t

I’d rather they learn a useful language.

Latin is extremely useful. Thinking it a dead language is really short-sighted.

I akin it to the people who follow a holy book, but can’t read it. They have to take on faith what others tell them it says.

So much our history is only in latin. Not to mention it is the basis of other languages and the advantages one has in the science field if one has even a year or two of latin is amazing.

Case in point. Someone on fb told me the other day that a lady body part was a phallic symbol. Although (IIRC, morning brain) phallus is greek, I laughed out loud.
We can’t ignore the ancient languages.

Why do we have a bundle of sticks bound together carved on the woodwork in the Capital building?

Our history and the Latin language is intertwined.