
Obama Administration Pulls Out of Durban II

looking closely2/27/2009 1:49:27 pm PST

re: #278 Colonel Panik
Yeah, in really just the last few years AR-15 type rifles have become amongst the MOST popular rifle types, and now there are a gazillion manufacturers to meet the demand. The modularity of them is pretty helpful. That is NOT what I bought, but I think I may be getting one of those soon too.

Same thing happened a few years previously with 1911 type pistols. Who ever would have thought those would have a major resurgence? (And who ever would have predicted 20 years ago that that Smith and Wesson would be selling truckloads of 1911s and AR-15s, while Colt would NOT be?).

That one can even be partially blamed on the Clinton gun ban, since I think a lot of people were thinking, well, if I can ONLY have ten rounds, I mights as well make them .45s.