
Spencer Changes Story, But Still Defends Pro Koln - Update: Pro Koln Organizers Say Spencer and Geller Confirmed in Writing

zuckerlilly4/27/2009 4:04:28 am PDT

re: #269 PatFromGermany

Ahh, you are the one who has undertaken the task to post these lies here as your comrades have agreed at pi-news.


#8 Andreas.G (26. Apr 2009 12:42) Von Kewil:
Sagt alles!

# kewil meint:
26.04.2009 um 11:13


ich hab keine Zeit mehr. Wer bei Green Footballs kommentarrecht hat, soll bitte den Link kopieren. Wer bei PI schreibt, bitte draufhinweisen, die sollen das auch verlinken und Pro Koeln und PI knnen auch teile abschreiben. Ich finde, wenn es nicht Englisch ist, kommen die amis gleich gar nicht mit! Danke im voraus, fr alle die diesen Link weiterreichen, hat mich ber eine Stunde gekostet! Mit Verbessern, verlinken etc.


Most of the comments at PI are lies, conspiracy theories or sail close to the wind not to be sedition.

Most of the liberal blogs (liberal in terms of of fans of Hayek/Friedman) as well as conservative blogs in Germany have taken PI or fact-fiction (and their off-springs) from their blog rolls long before the first “anti-Islam-Congress” 2008 in Koeln had taken place even long before the infamous “anti-jihad-congress” in Brussels in 2007. It happened about 2005/2006. Already from that point of time PI, f&f etc. were labeled as right-wing-extremist blogs even by liberal/conservative blogs. Charles had zilch to do with this. You have gotten yourself into this as you started to fraternize with right wing extremist groups as VB, the pro-movements etc. and as more and more of the postings became xenophobic and hysterical.

As to the photo shopping:

Charles took the photo from a fascist web site (Patriotisches Forum Sueddeutschland). They on the other hand had taken the photo from the web site “pro-gelsenkirchen” but the domain “pro-gelsenkirchen” is NOT part of the right wing extremist “pro-movement” but the domain owner is the SPD (social democrats) ;-) so from the anti-“pro-movement”. Therefore the original right wing extremist “pro-Gelsenkirchen” has to run its web site under the hat of “pro-NRW” because they cannot use the domain “pro-gelsenkirchen”. The operators of “Patriotisches Forum Sueddeutschland” were to stupid to recognize this and posted the photo shopped picture on their web site without noticing that the lefties had changed the background with anti-fascist protesters.

Charles had nothing to do with this and: even you and your ilk didn’ t catch that the web site “pro-Gelsenkrichen” from which the photo was taken by the “Patriotisches Forum Sueddeutschland” is NOT the right wing extremist “pro-Gelsenkirchen” movement ;-) but a antifascist web site - confusing, isn’t it?. (Nicht berall wo “pro-Gelsenkirchen” draufsteht ist auch “pro-Gelsenkirchen” drin ;-) - hast mi?)