
Monday Night Open

That's Glenn Beck to you7/20/2009 7:29:10 pm PDT

Donn’t you people get it?

Don’t you see what is happening?

Don’t you see that Obama is stockpiling things like ham and cheese for the endtimes?

Geeesh! What does it take for you folks to wake up and smell one of my delicious food items from my upcoming book “101 Fallout Shelter Recipes Using Government Cheese - making the end times the best of times.

Hamgate Stroganoff

Create a cooking fire by arranging books on evolution or astronomy in a tee-pee structure and light. If in an enclosed space, don your gas mask after making sure you family has theirs on.

Cut government ham into narrow 2-inch long strips about 1/2-inch thick. Sprinkle meat with finely crushed potasium iodide. Melt 1 block of government cheese in a medium saucepan. Add meat and cheese sauce. Cover and cook on low for 10 minutes; Serve over buttered noodles or rice. If you don’t have buttered noodles or rice, cut the box that your cheese came in into long pasta-like strips.

If you don’t have government ham or government cheese, yell you are just plain old screwed - President Obama obviously didn’t have you in mind when he bought all that ham and cheese.

Bon Appetite!