
Krauthammer Wants Honest Debate

debutaunt8/21/2009 11:33:19 am PDT

re: #111 Francisco D’anconia

maybe someone can inform me better, but my impression is that the “death panel” idea sprung not for the end of life counseling session (which is on its own an abhorrent thought). Rather i was in reference to the ideas being floated by Ezekiel Emmanuel (Rahm’s brother) on rationing care. Basically the gist being that Dr. Emmanuel doesnt think that granny needs a pacemaker if she has cancer and that panels of bureaucrats will be determining what care is appropriate for people based upon mortality tables. These could very well be termed death panels and would be necessary in any government run scheme, if the goal is to reduce costs.

All I want is for my doctor and family to be first in line in making medical decisions.