
Shameless Inversion of Reality, NRO-Style

Mike R6/04/2014 8:39:35 pm PDT

If the Hastings’ article in Rolling Stone is true, the unit was led very poorly. During my time had the pleasure of serving with a piss poor leadership cadre, sorry have had a little or maybe a lot of Rum, it is pirate night on the ranch, got caught up as a Jr NCO, corporal to be exact. Finally pitched a fit about the BS. Challenged the judgement and leadership skills of the lifers. The Platoon commander and Platoon Sargent ended up not being able to re enlist. However while in the tropical paradise of Southeast Asia guess who had to eat a shit sandwich. The point being when everything sucks it is hard to be honest about what is going on around you. Can’t blame his comrades for casting about for someone to blame. Can blame the RWNJs, what slimy pieces of garbage.

So the members of his platoon, company needed someone to blame. He apparently gave them an easy target. Have wanted to say this and so I shall. He maybe a shit bird and an idiot, but he is our idiot and we don’t leave our guys behind shit bird or not. Bringing him home is the right thing. If he deserves punishment then our guys will judge not our adversary, we take care of our own and settle things among ourselves and who in the world would leave a fellow soldier, marine, sailor or airman, okay maybe an airman they always have their hands in their pockets, with the enemy. And piss on the bastards who have no mercy and could abandon a fellow soldier or marine no matter how squirrely they are.