
Angle's 'Slush Fund' Becomes 'Important First Step'

Love-Child of Cassandra and Sisyphus7/08/2010 8:23:48 pm PDT

re: #274 Nimed

Seriously, how hard could it have been to book an interview with Eugene Fama or John Cochrane instead?

This is the problem with so much of the media coverage of complex topics (we see it in science themes all the time - evolution, AGW):

Everything has to be reduced to two “sides”, and each “side” is given an equal amount of time. It’s just another variant of “TEACH THE CONTROVERSY”. It’s the WWE all over again - where every possible event has to be reduced to one obvious antagonist and one protagonist and they guy who runs the show manages the crowd to cheer for whomever.

Economics is way too complex to be reduced to a few catchphrases, such as what Ferguson tried to do with “morning in America”, etc.