
Nightmarishly Beautiful Animated Film: Jo Jo in the Stars

Mattand3/08/2013 7:48:06 am PST

re: #272 FemNaziBitch

I’ve had to dig deep and really look at myself many, many times in my life. Lately, I seem to be doing it every day. I’ve said many times, I grew-up in Detroit in the 70’s, That fear is very hard to unlearn. The first step is recognizing it and admitting it is wrong.

Most peope don’t want to look at themselves that way.

I once had a guy who regularly worked jobsites in Camden tell me that 95% of the residents are good decent people who want a better the life, and don’t really care about messing with anyone, white or otherwise.

I keep learning the hard way how hard wired casual racism is coded into my many acquaintances and family members.