
Stunning Australian Time-Lapse Short: "First Footprints"

🐈 Crush White Christian Nationalism 🐈7/14/2013 7:11:30 pm PDT

re: #278 HoosierHoops

cool beans..But for your dream project you’d almost have to use Oracle on the backend.
I’m sure some kind of tagging method could be employed to expose the BS..But we are dealing with wingnuts who feel they can say whatever to whomever and if denied they claim Gulag status on Tweeter…The lack of free speech while using software owned by another shows the pathetic reach and self pity.

Twitter must have a pretty robust back-end already, though I don’t know what they’re using. I don’t like Oracle the company, but I do like the software because it requires more precision in your SQL than MS SQL Server does. It also helps that my Oracle server at work is on much better hardware than my SQL 2005 server.