
Nightmare Debt-Default Scenario Looks More Likely Every Day

No Malarkey!9/26/2013 12:28:10 pm PDT

re: #253 GeneJockey

And they have to, because you spent your retirement putting the ungrateful bastards through school, only to have them major in Underwater Basket Weaving, or Latino Lesbian Studies!

Seriously, within the next 10-15 years, this country will have to do something major about retirement, or get used to working till you die, and/or seeing old folks living under bridges.

My parents, born in 1918 and 1921, probably were at the zenith of America taking care of the middle class. They both worked, and they both got pensions, AND Social Security. Their mortgage was low enough, and college was cheap enough that they put 4 kids through all 4 years, and were still able to have enough of a retirement to travel and live comfortably.

Unless something is done, that era will seem like a dream to all the folks trying to find work in their 80s so they can eat.

Something will be done. The Teahadists are making a lot of noise now because their movement is in it death throes. The politics of racial resentment and religious fundamentalism they use to get whites to vote against their own economic interests has reached the point of diminishing returns as their base ages and America becomes more diverse. Sanity will return to Congress, and we will easily get the revenue necessary to provide for Americans in need.