
Seth Meyers: Trump Keeps Showing Us Who He Really Is

LeftyRambles2413 (HappyWarrior)8/17/2017 7:55:32 am PDT

re: #279 wheat-dogg

Yeah, a lot of resentment of “carpetbaggers”, even after two or three generations.

At the risk of making a sweeping generalization, Southerners are very tribal. If your family isn’t from the South back several generations, you’re not really a Southerner. You’re worse off if your family came after the War ended.

When I was poll watching on primary day, I did it with a transplant, a Long Islander, he told me he could tell the difference between the natives- people whose families have been here generations and those closer to us. Those closer to us are why Virginia has gone light blue. And of course the African-American community and other groups as well. But yeah, I remember when I posted on a forum that had libs and conservatives, one of the Virginia conservatives really resented us NoVa folk because so many of us were or are descended from Yankees. Of course, it’s liberal NoVa that has made the state a great place to live and why Virginia thankfully isn’t where Alabama or Misssissppi is.