
Rep. Gohmert and the Changeling Terror Babies From the Future

Killgore Trout7/03/2010 7:52:31 am PDT

After some initial outrage the wingnuts seem to be backing Steele’s comments on Afghanistan….
Dan Rhiel sez….

Yes, we will be united in the fall. But I am sick of individuals seemingly forever filled with self-righteous indignation, allowing it to continually get in the way of a greater good. Dress it up as moral indignation all you want, it’s still self-interest. I am sick of being the party of self-righteousness, as opposed to the Democrats, who know how to play as a team so they can win.

It’s time to circle the wagons, not hold an unproductive, ultimately self-defeating firing squad.

Doug Ross sez…..

While he is far from perfect, removing him could be more destructive — and rather pointless to boot.

However, give credit where credit is due. This is golden irony offered from Mr. Steele. He is absolutely on target with this offering, (even if I personally disagree with any conception, suggesting the U.S. cannot win ‘again’ in Afghanistan):

Michelle Malkin is linking to both of these articles this morning. This was not a gaffe from Steele. This is a policy shift…..

Youtube Video

If you listen to the second half of the clip (which almost everybody ignores) he say the GOP has prepared talking points available to politicians of how to effectively frame the argument against the war in Afghanistan.
I think there was some initial shock from the base but they are getting over it and are more willing to accept a Paulian isolationist approach.