
Daredevil Volume 1, Issue 18: "There Shall Come a Gladiator!"

Decatur Deb4/25/2015 11:47:03 am PDT

re: #282 Belafon

It’ll be interesting afterwards. It wasn’t the SCOTUS that ended segregation, it was the national guard.

After the 101st Airborne regulars brushed them aside.

Several segregationist councils threatened to hold protests at Central High and physically block the black students from entering the school. Governor Orval Faubus deployed the Arkansas National Guard to support the segregationists on September 4, 1957. The sight of a line of soldiers blocking out the students made national headlines and polarized the nation. …snip

Woodrow Wilson Mann, the mayor of Little Rock, asked President Eisenhower to send federal troops to enforce integration and protect the nine students. On September 24, the President ordered the 101st Airborne Division of the United States Army—without its black soldiers, who rejoined the division a month later—to Little Rock and federalized the entire 10,000-member Arkansas National Guard, taking it out of the hands of Faubus.[8]