
Another Stealth Creationist Bill in Missouri

A.W.2/19/2009 12:45:20 pm PST

I am probably wasting my time by saying this, but…

Okay, assuming this is all stealth creationism isn’t getting upset at THIS stage playing into their hands?

All the bill says is it is about teaching people to think critically and question. So all you do by getting excited at this stage is you make yourself look like you are against thinking critically and asking questions.

If this is designed to be creationist in effect, rather than being obviously so on the surface, fine, then guess what? you have to wait for the effects to bear out. Then you can say “they say this is about questioning, but this is really about indoctrinating a person into a religiously based point of view. They say this is about critical thinking but what they really want is uncritical acceptance.”

Because bluntly, on its face, there is nothing wrong with this bill. all theories are subject to question and critical thinking. Nothing is more antithetical to the scientific method than saying that a subject is closed and thereofore not subject to further analysis. i mean, my God, just a week or so ago scientists postulated that we are in fact hologams in 3 dimensions representing objects in 4. i think that’s probably crap, but if it was true, how much would that upset certain assumptions about our lives? you never know when something out of left field might really upset the apple cart. Like we find written in our DNA, in latin, “made in Alpha Centauri.” something crazy like that. I’m not saying any of that is likely, but we have to keep ourselves open minded. that is what differentiates science from religion, among other things. we look at the evidence, we reason an explanation, but we recongize that we might not be seeing the whole picture, and we recognize that every explanation is subject to revision.

So say to them, “sure question. but don’t indoctrinate and misinform under the guise of ‘questioning.’”