
Overnight Plan 9

wahabicorridor2/13/2009 4:42:26 am PST

re: #272 rightside

Now if they own those, and want to keep them from stinking, I can see that.

Several years ago, there was a case in NYC where a couple who rented an apt. sued a neighbor (also renting) because the neighbor smoked and they said it ‘seeped’ into their unit.

I don’t recall how it was resolved.

Let me be clear. I smoke. But I am an absolute zealot about private property rights. If you own an apt. building and you don’t want people to smoke in those units, you have every right to ban it.

Just like various pets are permitted or banned.

But for the GOV’T to do it - to my way of thinking - violates the same rights of property owners. For example, they could set aside ‘smoking units’ and make a profit against other owners who ban it.

Am I nuts?