
Video: The Steady Loss of Sea Ice

lrsshadow10/30/2009 7:38:20 am PDT

re: #7 LudwigVanQuixote

Once again, thank you Charles for posting this.

It is my deep hope that people just look at the evidence. There is no longer (and there has not been for some time) doubt in the scientific community about the realities of climate change or the fact that we are causing it.

We are facing a very grave peril. We must get real with it and take real actions. The consequences of ignoring the problem are catastrophic.

Catastrophic means that we will loose coastal cites. It means tyhat food production will suffer due to shifting growing patterns. It means that whole regions will become desert.

It means hundreds of millions of homeless hungry and thirsty people.

It means that as climates change critters that carry diseases will migrate to new habitats.

It means war, famine and plague.

This is not a pipe dream. This is not some vast liberal conspiracy. This is not a lie to socialize the government. This is not a fantasy.

We are condemning future generations to a new dark ages and creating the collapse of our own civilization.

The good news is that we can prevent that from happening. If we take things seriously now.

But we must act now and we must act for real.

Please do not take my word for all of this. Please go and honestly look at the real science from real sources. In other words look at what the actual scientists are telling you. We are not lying.

And you say the TeaBaggers are hysterical. (oh negative votes for this post in 3, 2, 1) Keep running around in a circle “the sky is falling, the sky if falling, the sky is falling”

Fact #1 Global warming and cooling is caused by the SUN
Fact #2 Only 6% of all CO2 created is man made
Fact #3 Out of 80% of know history of the Arctic Circle it has been without Ice, why do you think they call Greenland green land, because at one time it was all Green
Fact #4 We are still coming out of the last ice age, the ice will continue to recede
Fact #5 We are still coming out of the last ice age, the weather will continue to get warmer
Fact #6 CO2 is plant food, not a pollutant
Fact #7 The computer modeling does not take into account all the factors affecting climate on earth. It is virtually devoid of solar activities, it does not take into account biological shift due to any change in temperature, it makes many assumptions that would have made any other modeling irrelevant.
Fact #8 Once CO2 reaches a certain concentration it will no longer have any increase effect on “green-house” as CO2 only reflects certain rays from the sun and once those have reach maximum reflection additional CO2 has no effect
Fact #9 the period of the 1920-1950 was the largest increase in industrial and other man made creation of CO2 on earth. Yet we had a period for 1950-1980 in which the temperature had stayed the same. This alone should be enough in scientific terms to dismiss the theory that man made CO2 causes global warming.
Fact #10 Global rises in temperature cause increases in CO2 and not the other way around.