
The Incredibly Dumb Nontroversy That Stopped Living And Got Even Dumber

recusancy11/27/2009 8:07:33 pm PST

re: #276 Raryn

The thing I hate most about the “left wing” energy policy is that they don’t even bring up the possibility of new nuclear plants. Done right, with modern technologies that have popped up since the 70s (the last time we were building nuclear plants), there’s no more effective carbon-neutral energy generation method.

Obama sent four of his top lieutenants to the Senate – his secretaries of energy, interior, agriculture and the head of the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) – to try to drum up support for a global warming bill.

The PR effort saw direct appeals to the farming and nuclear lobbies – some of the fiercest critics of Obama’s clean energy agenda – with Steven Chu, the Nobel-winning energy secretary, calling for new nuclear plants to re-establish America’s technological dominance in the world.

“I think nuclear power is going to be a very important factor in getting us to a low carbon future,” Chu told the Senate’s environment and public works committee. “Quite frankly, we want to recapture the lead on industrial nuclear power. We have lost that lead as we have lost the lead in many energy technologies and we want to get it back.”