
The Islamic State's Terror Laptop of How To Weaponize Plague

_RememberTonyC8/31/2014 5:11:40 am PDT

Here’s how stupid you people are:

ISIS does not represent all Muslims (agreed)
Hamas does not represent normal Muslims (agreed)
The mullahs running Iran are not supported by most Muslims (agreed)

So when I bash these three groups, I’M ANTI MUSLIM (in your opinion)

You guys are nuts. There is exactly one person whose opinion of me matters on this board, and that is Charles. He has never banned me nor do I even recall him warning me or dinging me. You guys are the exact opposite of liberals. Liberals welcome alternate ideas, you prefer an echo chamber. That is why I can barely tolerate YOU and almost never post anymore. But every so often I will drop by just to remind you that there is life outside your little intellectual silo. Can you handle a dose of the truth once in awhile?