
A Hilarious, Utterly Berserk Fake 80s Action Comedy: KUNG FURY

weave5/31/2015 1:00:26 pm PDT

Get a load of this….

So Michelle Malkin in National Review did a piece on Bernie Sanders a few days ago, still whining about the underarm deodorant issue…

Ask Venezuelans How Sanders-Style Socialism Is Working Out for Them

Wow, horrible pic of some lady in a store with empty shelves and disgustingly dirty too — along with a caption “Venezuela’s Vibrant Economy”

So I did an image search and turned up this….

Defying the Laws of Physics at Walmart

Now it appears that this may be a Wal-Mart in Wisconsin, but it’s not clear from the story. But if you look at a larger version of the image, you can see the English signs in the background, so it’s clearly NOT from Venezuela.

Empty Shelves at Wal-Mart

So whoever posted this story to National Review purposely cropped out the English signs and then applied a dirty filter to it — because we all know Hispanic are filthy people.

In an argument with a wingnut friend of mine, his response was “It’s clearly a stock photo.” ORLY? Even if true, why crop it, make it dirty, and label it as a sign of Venezuela’s economy?

So, bottom line, a scare story about empty shelves that will plague the U.S. if Sanders is elected used a picture from a Wal-Mart in the U.S. that is having trouble keeping their shelves stocked.