
Ben Carson Says the Bible Backs Up His Crackpot Theory About the Pyramids

The Ghost of a Flea11/05/2015 1:20:29 pm PST

Dr. Carson is once again talking in the secret language of the evangelical wingnut.

The theory is old and wacky and non-Biblical, but he’s made defending it into a hard-line Bible-as-history, Bible-as-Truth talking point…because that’s who’s sending him money in direct-mail solicitations. People who love the idea of a world where there’s an evil, unitary “secular progressive” movement that has hijacked history, and that YEC and “Bible Truth” are brave rebels.

Also, I’ve been inside Khufu’s Pyramid. From a building science perspective, it’s the worst possible place for grain. The interior is cooler that the exterior, the stonework promotes movement of water by wicking. The central chamber is kind of damp, even in the “dry” period. Grain would dry slower, and it would be a perfect incubator for myco-spores to propagate.