
Anti-Mosque Movement Directly Linked to Anti-Islam Prejudice

Orange Impostor9/09/2010 10:18:43 am PDT

Speaking of bigots, the American Family Association’s Bryan Fischer has stepped in it yet again.

Top Social Conservative Bryan Fischer: ‘Handle Muslims Just Like We Handle The Neo-Nazis’

Bryan Fischer, the “Director of Issues Analysis” for the American Family Association, wrote a blog post yesterday that argues that “Germany is giving us a template on how we handle Muslims: just like we handle neo-Nazis,” which amounts to German police carrying “out 30 predawn raids against the nation’s largest neo-Nazi group two days ago.”

In other words, he’s wanting us to ban the Muslim religion outright and start rounding up its believers, because Germany did so with neo-Nazis (never mind the REASON that Germany specifically banned Nazi symbology….)

Oh, and Mr. Fischer - here lately in the US we haven’t been “rounding up” the neo-nazis, we’ve been giving them a national stage to spread their hate.