
Arkansas State GOP Lawmaker Gives Adopted Daughter to Pedophile

BlueGrl213/05/2015 4:09:37 pm PST

re: #242 EPR-radar

Especially since this is the group of people who need to be convinced that separation of church and state is worthwhile for it to remain in place.

I think those Christians would agree that they don’t want religion in the government or government in their churches. We’re some of the strongest advocates for separation of church and state, always have been. but like people have said, Christianity is not some huge behemoth of people who believe the same things. I am closer in belief to Sufi Islam than I am to Pentecostal Christianity.

What gets under MY skin is when people I assume I am an idiot, anti-science, and living in a fantasy because I choose to believe there is SOMETHING that is a presence in our universe. I am, most assuredly, none of those things. I struggle with my faith, as I am sure many people have throughout their whole lives. I constantly question and refine what I believe. I am not bothered by any kind of critique or questions. But I cannot have a conversation with a zealot and there are zealots of any kind of belief. Atheism is a belief too. It’s a belief that there is nothing beyond what we can scientifically prove. None of us will know that until we die. Period.

I may be wrong about there being a God. I’m fine with that. My belief in no way conflicts with science, government, or the rights of others to have their own structure to define their reality. There may be nothing when i die. OK. There may be pasta everywhere, there may be choirs of angels, there may be a parallel universe, i may get reincarnated as a tree sloth. Don’t know. I will one day. In the meantime, I like the Jesus dude. I like yelling at a deity when i’m pissed at how my life is going. I like saying “thank you” when I am happy.

So, people who choose to tell me I’m an idiot for having a belief in an “other” can kiss my rainbow fairy ass.