
What's Really Going on Behind Texas SB 5

Yeah Sure WhatEVs6/27/2013 10:12:22 am PDT

re: #289 engineer cat


ultimately they are trying to put forth the proposition that you can stalk a random pedestrian, confront them while pointing a loaded gun at them, and expect everything to be hunky-dory

i don’t care how good the lawyer is, it ain’t gonna fly

It’s Florida. In a pretty conservative area. The dead kid is black. And the prime witness is young, doesn’t want to be there, is showing aggression by being beat up over stupid shit like hair. She doesn’t speak like a bunch of white women.

I don’t care how bad your lawyer is (and Don West is not a terribly good attorney, IMHO. Disclosure, my ex is a criminal defense atty.) …it’s not a stretch by any means that Zimmerman walks.