
The Video Anthony Watts Doesn't Want You to See

danrudy7/31/2009 10:33:04 pm PDT

re: #275 danrudy

Actually, co2 levels have been tracked to sun activity and are a lagging indicator. In other words, first there is a period of increased sun activity and then there is an increase in co2. In other words, the rise in Co2 is an effect of elevating temperatures NOT the cause of it.

Oopss, I think I screwed that up. I meant to say that temperatures lag solar activity by about 10 years, thu when there is a period of activity of solar activity there is a 10 year lag in temperatures. it tracks much better to solar activity . the co2 levels lag even further behind. This is thought to occur because as tempertures become warmer and plant life flourishes co2 goes up. In periods of decrease solar activity followed by decreasing tempertures and decreasing plant life co2 levels decrease.
Co2 is a laggin indicator. SOlar activity is the lead indicator.
I urge you to watch the documentary from te BBC
THe great global warming swindle by david durkin. makse mince meat of al gores documentary