
Breaking: Massa Under Investigation for Allegedly Groping Male Staffers

Mad Prophet Ludwig3/09/2010 1:52:04 pm PST

re: #280 _RememberTonyC

Massachusetts voted for Scott Brown, and Mass is not a place that generally votes for racist pols. So my suggestion to you is that not EVERY member of the GOP is a racist. And maybe you even agree with that, but you are painting with a broad brush. And that is why some are challenging your (dare I say it) STEREOTYPE about Republicans.

Umm what did I say?

Why is it everytime I say this, I get the same nonsense over and over again?

Of course there are of rank and file Republicans who are not racist, or homophobic or sexist etc…

That’s great!

They are not the one’s in charge.

They are not the ones making the speeches.

They are the ones being purged from the GOP.

Yet somehow everyone is all concern troll over the simple fact that whatever the GOP was, it isn’t that any more. Again, wake up and smell the coffee.

I am not the one who turned the GOP into the cesspit it is now. I am simply saying what everyone knows.