
Video: Charlie Rose With President Obama on Syria, Iran, and NSA Leaks

Yeah Sure WhatEVs6/18/2013 9:51:01 am PDT

re: #276 jayjaybear

If you’d told me five years ago that I would one day all but flee Daily Kos for LGF, I’d have laughed in your face then called the men in the white coats. But DKos has become so frustratingly hair-on-fire about all the NSA stuff (and so hero-worshippy about Snowjob) that I can’t do much more than scan the front page anymore. Even the Snopes boards (which is usually pretty politically agnostic) are looking pretty goofy about the whole thing.

I’m gonna go work on a meteor-attractor…

Man, this 1000x. It’s not just DKos. It’s Crooks and Liars (which I left years ago because they’re fucking crazy. One of their now editors would write something one day and then write something diametrically opposite in a matter of days [or sometimes hours!] I felt I was the only one who noticed the complete craziness. Even after bringing it to their attention, it was like, Hey, no biggie. So I just left.), AmericaBlog and many other lefty sites I used to peruse. Leftists used to be about facts and reality, not hysterical bullshit.

They have all been Hamsher’d. They are nothing but hysterical bullshit purists who have no fucking idea how government works (and should work!), but have ideals which they think should govern governance.

There is a vast difference between what is ideal and what is achievable. There seems to be an extreme lack of realism in far too many people and their ability to understand the difference between reality and EVERYONE GETS A PONY THAT FARTS RAINBOWS. Reality is completely absent.

I, like you apparently, follow sanity, wherever that road may go.