
Greenwald on the Amash Amendment: Obama Is Literally in Cahoots With GOP

OhNoZombies!7/26/2013 12:00:24 am PDT

re: #291 Heywood Jabloeme

So why would you take the trouble to vote for something that about 50% of the American people are opposed to and that would actually shut a program down if that wasn’t your opinion?

I just went to my pages dashboard and with a quick count got 9 different Dem Congressmen who are on the record with about the same opnion as her.

Pelosi didn’t vote for the real Amendment but did for the cover your ass one and her best defense of the status quo (paraphrasing here) “I know it sucks but having something is better than nothing so lets not kill it but chnage it later”.

So the BEST defense from the Leader of the Presidents own party, who did vote for the Patriot act many times, is that, now that you know what we are doing because of Snowden, we have to change.”

Nice huh?

Does this surprise you?
These are politicians. That’s what they do.