
Outrageous Outrage of the Day!

Aceofwhat?5/13/2010 12:34:15 pm PDT

re: #270 Fozzie Bear

No, if you want to express an opinion personally, using personal funds, fine. However, considering pretty much every major restriction on corporate expenditures on political propaganda has been overturned, there won’t be much to stop your LLC from buying the best legislation money can buy. You either understand the power and inherent danger of unregulated political propaganda, or you don’t.

Apparently, you don’t.

You continue to fail to make a distinction between whether i think that there is a problem and whether i think that the only solution is to trample on my rights.

i think that there is an immigration problem. let’s just round up all of the brown people.

see? all of a sudden a potentially effective solution seems unpalatable, and we wonder what kind of idiot would write such a law.

unpalatable laws are not justified by the purity of their intentions, no matter how much you want to make yourself believe that i just don’t “get it”.