
And Again! Donald Trump Retweets Two More White Supremacists in One Day

mmmirele1/24/2016 6:06:00 pm PST

There are some of us who have been following these sovereign citizen nutbars for some time now. Joaquin DeMoreta-Folch tried to intervene in the case of Terry Trussell, a Florida sovereign citizen, who was appointed to a real grand jury, and then proceeded to try and take it over for nefarious ends. Specifically, Trussell’s been indicted for simulation of legal process for trying to file his sovereign citizen grand jury nonsense with his local county. This was back in 2014. I believe (unless there’s a last-minute delay), he’s going on trial on February 2.

Anyway, here’s a link to one of the docs that DeMoreta-Folch, the “God Grace Administrator, Statewide Common Law Grand Jury, Florida; Nebraska” filed with the court. Of course it was total codswallop and did absolutely nothing for Terry Trussell.

Scribd Document

This is what they’ve got at Malheur NWR, a first-class kook with a penchant for colors and fonts and so on and so fort. 0_o