
About Glenn Beck's Extremist Rhetoric

zombie4/07/2009 5:35:17 pm PDT

…I rarely look at my LGF account page, but I noticed by chance yesterday that my number of karma point was within 1000 of my number of comments. Getting close to have one upding per comment, I thought. But just now I checked again out of curiosity, and noticed that my total karma rating has gone down by what seems like a hundred points. Strange…

But I just dawned on me that someone/s must have gone through a bunch of my pre-existing comments and dinged them all down. ….

And I suspect it is…on that marijuana thread, where I seem to have earned a bit of lizardoid ire!

Granpappy always warned me that the devil weed was gonna be my downfall, but I never imagined it would be like this!