
Arlen Specter Bails

Occasional Reader4/28/2009 12:11:35 pm PDT

re: #272 eschew_obfuscation

Going piece by piece…

Are you suggesting that SoCons stop trying to get their values included in law while everyone else’s values are?

No. Read on.

To me, the only thing clouding this “legislating morality” issue is choosing whose morality gets legislated.

Note first that you’ve changed to question from “legislating a religious agenda” (my words) to “legislating morality”.

I agree, of course, that laws reflect a society’s perception of morality.

I think SoCons need to learn to have a little warning flag go up when they are going thorough a syllogism like the following: “I want my child to be praying to Jesus while he’s in public school. Therefore, I want the law to ensure that EVERY child is praying to Jesus in public school”.

Doesn’t this seem a little lopsided? Shouldn’t the values embodied in law be debated and selected by a majority of legislatures not precluding input from certain groups?

Yes, they should. But I think that in a pluralistic society, EVERYBODY, right/left/whatever, needs to avoid the political tendency toward, “everything I like should be mandatory, everything I dislike should be banned”. The reason we are talking about SoCons here, is because we’ve been specifically discussing how to turn around the Republican Party.